Saturday, April 9, 2016

Daily Blog Posts

So I mentioned this at the end of a blog post several days ago, but never really got into more detail. I started a new job a couple weeks ago, doing graphic design work for Temple Israel in West Bloomfield, the largest Reform Temple in North America. Four hours a day (9 am - 1 pm), I'm there working on flyers and brochures other marketing materials for upcoming events at the temple. :)

It doesn't seem like much time, but it adds up - especially when you consider the drive there and back (about 45 minutes in the morning and 35 minutes in the afternoon). I crate Ginny during that time (she's still at the "chewing everything out of boredom" stage; if she wasn't crated she would eat all of our furniture while I was gone) - so by the time I get home she's been crated for about 5.5 hours. She barely has room to stand and walk in a circle in her crate, so I try to get her exercise before I leave and after I come home. This means some playtime in the morning, and a walk in the afternoon, and a second walk in the evening. And even after her walk, she's still full of energy and excited to play, since she's been napping all morning.

Long story short, I have significantly less time to work on my story, or my artwork, or these blog posts. The best time to work on these projects are in the evenings, after dinner - but I don't have enough time in the evenings to do all of these things.

So I'm afraid this blog is going to have to fall off my list of biggest priorities. If I'm not working on my art or my story, I would have nothing to blog about anyway; my paintings and drawings and novel necessarily have to come first. I am hoping to still post an entry on here a couple times a week, and I will certainly continue posting a quick picture on Instagram (and sharing that pic to Twitter) every day. But I don't have time to also write a blog post every day any longer.

It takes a long time to 1) make the art I post, 2) take photos of the art, 3) adjust the photos and add my website information to the image, 4) upload the photos to this blog, and 5) write descriptions for the images. Furthermore, I don't have as many things I could post about, if I'm using time that I could be painting or drawing to instead write a blog post about painting and drawing.

My goal is to spend my evenings working on my art or novel, and then use the weekend to take any photos of the week's art and write and schedule a few blog posts for the following week. (I already schedule blog posts ahead of time, so this is nothing new. It's just that I will be writing fewer of them when I do.)

Maybe I'll find that I have more time than I think I do, once I figure out how to work with this schedule, but for now it's easier to not worry about daily blog posts. Please follow me on Instagram (@afrownfe) and/or Twitter (also @afrownfe) to see daily pictures. When I do post a blog entry, I'll try to remember to also put the link up on Twitter, so if you're following me there you should see notice of these blog posts, too.

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