Saturday, October 24, 2020

"Attachment" Colored Pencil Drawing

This next colored pencil drawing is also 8"x10" on Strathmore gray paper: delphiniums, a.k.a. larkspur. These tall flower stalks come in blue, purple, or white - or all three! They symbolize "attachment," which is where the title of this drawing comes from.

I started with a sketch just to lay out on the page where I planned to draw each of the flower stalks in this delphinium field:

Then I started the long process of adding detail to each of the flowers on each stalk. It took me several days (though, granted, I only could work on it for 30 minutes - 1 hour at a time, once or twice a day, while my daughter slept). :)

Here is the step by step process:

I just love how this one turned out - such gorgeous colors, and so much detail! Here are some close-up shots of the final drawing:

Monday, October 12, 2020

"Frigidity" Colored Pencil Drawing

This post features another recent 8"x10" colored pencil drawing - this one on Strathmore gray toned paper. These white and blue lithodora flowers symbolize frigidity, thanks to their cool color scheme.

As usual, I started with a sketch (in this case an outline) of where I wanted the flowers to go to fill up the page. Because the flower petals have white edges, I just went ahead and drew the edges to get the whitest whites on the paper; I often like to put down the lightest or darkest colors first (or at least near the beginning of the process), so I can base everything else off of that reference point.

(Ignore the shadows in some of these images - I've been drawing in the spare bedroom upstairs lately, which doesn't have the best ceiling light, and relies a lot on the sunlight coming in the window. If I'm drawing in the evening or on a cloudy/rainy day, it's hard to take a picture of the drawing without my arm causing shadows across the page... I may have to revisit this plan and find a new place in the house to draw before winter hits.)

Here is me beginning this drawing:

Once I had my outline down, I started going through flower by flower and adding dimension and color:

Here is the final drawing:

I really love the colors in this one. In real life, lithodora are pretty small - so the scale of these flowers being so big on the page also helps this drawing feel bold and original. I'm happy with the way it turned out!