Tuesday, April 13, 2021

"Faith" Colored Pencil Drawing

The first colored pencil drawing I completed after our move to Ann Arbor was this one, of iris flowers on blue paper, which I drew in February 2021. Springtime iris flowers represent "faith" - something I personally connect a lot with hope, pride, and self-reliance. I have faith in myself, in my support system, and (usually) in humanity as a whole (though admittedly that faith has been tested quite a bit these last few years). 

As usual, I used Prismacolor brand pencils and Canson Mi-Teintes blue paper for this 8"x10" drawing, and I started with a light sketch to lay out where I wanted the iris flowers to lay compositionally on the page.

Once that initial sketch was complete, I went through and added details like veining on the petals, as well as highlights and shadows to give dimension. I ultimately used 10 colors: white, yellow, light green, dark green, dark blue, two dark purples (a blueish purple and a reddish purple), light purple, light blue, and a dark pink.

Behold the finished drawing:


What do you guys think of my new studio setup? I worked on this drawing after my daughter went to bed (so no natural light coming in through the windows). I have my colored pencil desk set up under one of the recessed lights in the ceiling, and I also had a spotlight desk lamp situated directly over the page. I think you can definitely see a difference in the photos at the very least - they're better lit than photos of my colored pencil works-in-progress used to be!

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