Thursday, October 19, 2017

"Hydrangea Hues" - 8x10 Colored Pencil Drawing

After finishing my series of large colored pencil drawings, I wanted to do a few smaller, quicker drawings - things I could finish in a week, instead of a month. I also have had several people tell me in the last few years that they'd love me to do a drawing of hydrangeas - it seems to be a lot of people's favorite flower!

These two goals led me to creating this 8"x10" drawing, titled "Hydrangea Hues" for the many different colors of hydrangea flowers represented. What I had hoped to take only a week ended up taking about two weeks, given the amount of detail in such a big bunch of tiny flowers - but I love how the end result turned out.

For this drawing, I used Prismacolor brand pencils and Strathmore black paper.

First I made a general plan for where the hydrangea would go, lightly sketching circles for each clump.

Then I lightly sketched in the petals for each clump, using one color for each, just to get a general sense of where the different colors would go.

Once this first layer was complete, I added a few important white highlights.

Then I started going through color by color. I did the blue hydrangea flowers first.

Then I started in on the light green and pink sections.

I finished off with the three purple clumps, and added more white highlights throughout the drawing.

Altogether, I used 21 colored pencils.

This drawing isn't for sale on my Etsy shop yet because I'll be showing it at an exhibition in Canton, Michigan soon! It will be for sale at the exhibition, and I will list it on Etsy if it doesn't sell there.

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