Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Busy December / New Projects

I was very busy in the month of December, working on designing my parents' annual Christmas Card, writing a "Year in Review" newsletter with my husband to send out to our family and friends, meeting Etsy orders for printed-on-demand notecard sets and custom watercolor bouquet paintings, making DIY holiday gifts (like baked goods and a graphic designed map for my uncle's model train set-up), getting a tattoo (more on that soon!), and working extra hours for Temple Israel, helping them migrate content over to their new website.

Of course, I didn't have time to write about all these projects while I was working on them (who would?) - so in the coming weeks you'll see some special posts recapping what I worked on in December, as well as some posts going in farther back, to little projects here and there I did for friends, family, and to decorate my own home in 2017.

I will also be spending January starting on the acrylic triptych I teased in my Art Year in Review post. My sister-in-law commissioned me to create a large-scale painting for her apartment in Charlotte, NC of the Charlotte skyline, which kind of got back-burned as I finished up getting everything ready for my "GRRRLS Like Us" exhibition in November, and then dealt with December's holiday rush. I'm excited to do some acrylic for a change (especially after a year of mostly colored pencil with a bit of watercolor thrown in)! Since I'll be busy planning, sketching, and starting to paint, I probably won't get around to posting any "in progress" photos here until at least February (depending on how fast the painting goes).

As usual, I have plenty of ideas for future artwork - but not nearly enough time to devote to them all. (A good problem to have, I think.) January and February blog posts will probably look like an eclectic hodgepodge of projects; in fact, this entire year might seem more scattered than the last, given that I don't have several huge projects planned for 2018 (yet) like I did in 2017, culminating in an exhibition of the fruits of my labor. Now that I have several large colored pencil drawings framed and ready to go, I will probably be looking for more exhibition opportunities to display them - but I don't have anything lined up yet.

I'm just jumping into 2018 this year... We'll see where that takes me! If there are fewer/more scattered blog posts for the next few months, know that it's because I'm happily busy doing things I love, experimenting with art, and exploring new avenues - and that anything really cool I create or accomplish will get mentioned on here eventually. :)

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