Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Charlotte Skyline In Progress (Adding Detail 2)

I've been working hard on this three-panel acrylic painting, commissioned by my sister-in-law who lives in Charlotte, NC. After getting the first few skyscrapers done, I fell into a sort of rhythm and completed several other buildings.

For my next skyscraper, I first changed the building color from gray to more of a tan/brown, to go with the color scheme of the sky and the rest of the painting. Then I added some details to the lights and pattern of the roof, before going in and starting to add windows line by line.

Changing the building's color and adding roof details

Four colors of paint on my makeshift paper plate palette - three for the windows and one for the main building color

The finished skyscraper

Working on the skyscraper on its right, as well as adding final details to the bottom of the skyscraper

After that section was done, I turned my attention to the tall skyscraper (the tallest of the three panels), rising up behind an already completed dark skyscraper. I changed the color from gray to more of a tan/light gold color, and then added details to the architecture and windows.

Layering paint to change the building's color

The finished building

The far-right panel so far, with its four largest skyscrapers now complete

I next went through and worked on a few of the smaller buildings that were squished in between/peaking out from between other, larger buildings.

This skinny brown building is on the left side of the far right panel

This building is front of the first skyscraper I painted, in the middle of the middle panel

And this building is also on the middle panel, to the right of the second skyscraper I completed

Moving back over to the left panel, I next worked on this interesting building, which takes up a good amount of space in the skyline foreground.

The completed building, with window details

The entire triptych so far

I worked on some details for this light-colored building on the right side of the left panel.

Adding in lines as architectural details

I completed another shorter but wide building next - this time on the middle panel.

First I changed the colors so that it was more of the tan/brown colors of the rest of the buildings

Then I added window and light details

I still had one very tall skyscraper I hadn't yet touched (which I was sort of putting off because of it's interesting shape), so I finally tackled that one next. This is the far left skyscraper on the far left panel.

I darkened the main building color, then added some light accents along the sides and started adding in yellow window details

The entire painting so far, with one more skyscraper complete

As you can see, I still have several buildings still to go - though they are mostly smaller buildings (comparatively so). I also still have the bushes/trees in silhouette to complete on the bottom/in the foreground of each panel.

It is certainly coming along though! I can finally start to get a sense of how it might look when it's all done, and whether or not the color scheme is working as a whole the way I want it to.

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