Saturday, April 27, 2019

"Transformation" Colored Pencil Drawing

The second 8"x10" colored pencil drawing on green paper that I recently completed is this one - titled "Transformation" after the symbolism of the protea flowers depicted.

I used Prismacolor pencils and Canson Mi-Teintes green textured paper for this drawing. You can buy it in my Etsy shop here.

Here is the step by step process for how I started the drawing. I began with the larger protea flower, and built up layers of colors gradually with many different pencils.

Then I started to add leaves, and the rough sketch of the other protea on the left.

I continued adding more dimension with more pencils as I went along, using dark violets and blues for the shadows, and light greens and lavenders for the highlights, all blended into the medium pinks, reds, and oranges.

Then I went through a similar process for the leaves, building up darker layers of green, and creating the orangey highlights on the leaves' edges, which is characteristic of protea leaves.

Here's the final drawing:

I matted the drawing and listed it for sale on Etsy. You can buy it in my Etsy shop here.

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