Saturday, January 19, 2019

Floral Alphabet Watercolors - C & D

Continuing on with the next two letters in my floral alphabet watercolor series, today's post is all about letters C and D.

I decided to start doing more than just two letters at a time (though each blog post is still only going to cover two letters per post - it ends up being waaaay too many "in progress" pictures otherwise), so I started by taping down letters C - H with masking tape, to help keep the paper flat while I painted.

I also made sure to keep my completed A and B paintings nearby, so I could refer to them for reference of how I wanted the rest of the alphabet to look. You can also see in the photo below where I kept out only the five tubes that I ended up using - opera pink, yellow, light green, ultramarine blue, and purple. I used these same five colors throughout all 26 paintings.

I started with the ink outlines, and then added my first light layer of colors on top of that.

Next, I darkened some of the non-floral areas, and added pink and yellow paint splatter to both paintings.

Finally, I added more layers of darker color on top, trying to reserve some lighter areas to give it a collaged/stained glass sort of look.

Here are the finished paintings, with masking tape removed and signatures added.

Eventually I will scan all of these paintings in and turn them into notecard sets!

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