It's that time of year again - time for holiday shopping! If you're like me, you've probably already started; if you're not like me - fear not! There's still plenty of time... and my Etsy shop has lots of great gift ideas!
Below are some of the products I have available that have proven popular during past holiday seasons.
Michigan-Themed Notecards
Michiganders (and residents from other states bordering our Great Lakes) love to show pride in their geographic area. I have several Great Lakes notecards to choose from, all of which are high-quality scans of original watercolors I created. You can choose which color (or colors) you'd like, and build your own notecard pack. These designs are especially popular at the Paint Creek Center for the Arts Holiday Art Market in downtown Rochester, MI, where I have several notecards available for purchase.
What if you know little about the person other than maybe their favorite color? Abstract art is the perfect option! I have lots of patterns to choose from, which range from fancier and almost lace-like designs to funkier, modern prints. Each pattern was designed digitally, traced onto watercolor paper, painted, and then re-scanned back into the computer and printed on blank notecard paper. Because I use high-quality scans, you can often still easily see the texture of the watercolor paper and paint, as if it were the original piece of artwork.
The two sets pictured above are two of my more popular abstract designs, but I have lots of other colors to choose from, too! (Sunrise Sunset is the 6-pack, and Nighttime Desert is the name of the 4-pack.)
Initial Notecards
These weren't available for sale last holiday season, because they are scans of more recent artwork - but they've proven popular at both the Paint Creek Center for the Arts and in my Etsy shop since I made them available. I have two design options - floral letters and rainbow/paint splatter letters. All 26 letters of the alphabet are available in each design. You can select the first or last initial of the person you're buying a gift for, and present them with a unique, thoughtful blank notecard set just for them - available in a 4-pack, 6-pack, or 10-pack.
Floral Notecards

I have several flower-themed notecards available as well, which come from scans of my original floral watercolors and colored pencil drawings. There are close-up details of larger artworks, where the colorful flowers fill the entire printable area, as well as notecards that capture my entire original drawing or painting.
Newer sets that have been selling well are my "Religious Bouquet" and "Gender Bouquet" sets, which feature close-up details of my larger colored pencil drawings "Religious Bouquet (Stronger Together)" and "Gender Bouquet (Stronger Together)." I particularly love the red, purple, yellow, and white color scheme I used in the "Religious Bouquet" drawing - I think that's what other people are drawn to as well. Meanwhile, the "Gender Bouquet" features a nice gradient between blue and pink flowers, with plenty of purple in between.
The details of my larger "30 Days" colored pencil drawing, featuring thirty roses, is also a popular set. And my "Vertical Flower" four-pack - one of my original notecard sets, which features scans of several 5"x7" drawings I created back in 2014 and 2015, remains well-liked as well.
As I already mentioned, many of my notecard designs are also available at the Paint Creek Center for the Arts Holiday Art Market in downtown Rochester, MI. And new this year I also have a few limited designs for sale at "My Sister's Stuff," an antiques and collectibles booth in Genesee County, MI!
Framed watercolor sets
Besides notecards (which are a great gift that looks thoughtful but costs very little money), I also have my original paintings and drawings for sale on Etsy, as well. I have a particularly extensive collection of already framed, ready-to-hang abstract watercolor sets, which feature two, three, or four small patterned watercolor paintings that can be hung vertically or horizontally. It's fun, easy, unique home decor - and I have them available in SO MANY color options.
Click here to see my framed patterned watercolor sets on Etsy.
Custom Artwork
Of course, I can also make you a custom watercolor or colored pencil drawing - personalized pieces always make great gifts! These do take a little longer, but there's still time to get something done if you order soon. (And given my impending due date of late December 2019/early January 2020, I would appreciate getting any potential holiday gift orders in sooner rather than later.)
My most purchased custom artworks are custom 8"x10" watercolor bouquet paintings, and 8"x10" watercolor name paintings. The bouquet paintings make great keepsakes to capture the look of someone special's wedding bouquet, and are also purchased as birthday and anniversary gifts throughout the year. And the name paintings make great wedding and new-baby gifts - I often paint these and give them as gifts myself to friends and family who get married or have new babies.
Click here to see my custom bouquet watercolor listing on Etsy.
Click here to see my custom name watercolor listing on Etsy.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me (my email is! I love helping people find the perfect gift for their loved one to bring a smile to their face.