Saturday, November 30, 2019

Custom Name Painting - Meredith

As I mentioned in my last post, I had two cousins recently give birth to a baby girl this year. I made them each a custom watercolor painting with their baby's name. This second painting was created for baby girl Meredith.

I chose a different font for this painting than the last, but used a similar color scheme (though with a bit more red mixed into the pink and purple).

The first photo is the painting with just the letters traced on the paper, before I started painting.

Here is the painting after I carefully went around the letters to build up layers of color. You can see which parts are still wettest by how shiny they look in the light.

Once the painting was dry, I measured how much I would have to trim off to get it to fit into a gray 8x10 frame, marking where I planned to crop it with pencil. Then I cut out the painting and framed it.

Here's the finished, framed piece:

Want a similar painting? I have a listing on my Etsy page for a custom 8x10 name painting just like this. You can pick the font, style, and color(s), and I'll make a painting with the name of your choice! Click here to order one. :)

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