Saturday, July 29, 2017

"Religion Bouquet (Stronger Together)" - In Progress 7

To read about religious discrimination and why tolerance of people of all religions (and non-religions) is so important, visit this blog post.

To read about the religious symbolism of the 24 flowers used in this drawing, go back to this blog post.


This is the last "in progress" post for this religion-themed bouquet drawing. Only six more flowers to go until the entire piece is complete!

This purple lotus was drawn with white, lavender, purple, blue, light blue, green, yellow, pink, magenta, and dark purple colored pencils:

Below the lotus, I drew a couple of daffodils. I used white, cream, yellow, bright green, apple green, brown, orange, and black pencils:

Next, I worked on the yellow gladiolus, which used a similar color scheme as the daffodils, but slightly fewer colors. I used white, yellow, orange, black, and two shades of green:

This sage herb was colored in with cream, light green, green, brown, orange, lavender, and light purple:

I blended some red into these otherwise white jasmine to give them some depth - and because they'll be next to the red roses, which would probably reflect some red onto the white jasmine petals in real life. So for the jasmine, I used black, red, dark red, green, yellow, cream, and white:

Finally, I got to the last flower in this bouquet - a trio of red roses. I used three shades of red, two shades of green, and a cream colored pencil for the highlights:

Now all that's left to complete is the glass vase holding the bouquet. My next post will show the completed photos of the whole drawing, so make sure you visit this blog again to see how it all turned out!

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