Friday, February 15, 2019

Floral Alphabet Watercolors - O & P

Today's post is all about the letters O and P, the next two paintings in my floral alphabet watercolor series. Each painting is 5"x7" in size and uses five colors of watercolor paint: pink, yellow, and blue for the flowers, blue and purple in the background of the letters, and green for the leaves.

I started these two paintings the same way I started the others - with an ink outline drawn on watercolor paper.

When it was time to add color, I made the first layer light, deciding where I wanted my colors to go and letting them occasional "leak" into outside the ink outlines to show off their watercolor-ness.

Next, I splattered pink and yellow watercolor paint across both paintings - just to draw attention to the painterly-ness of the pieces, and add a bit of whimsical detail.

Finally, I darkened the non-floral parts of the letters with dark purple and blue paint, and added more yellow, pink, and green on top of the flowers and leaves.

If you remember from my post about the letters I and J, I was actually working on eight letters at a time - I all the way through P. Now that O and P are complete, all eight of these letters are done and ready to be untaped from the gatorboard.

Here are the finished O and P paintings, untaped and signed.

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