Saturday, March 2, 2019

Floral Alphabet Watercolors - U & V

I'm reaching the end of the alphabet - which means I'm approaching the end of this watercolor series. Today's post is all about the letters U and V.

As with my earlier paintings, I started with an ink outline of the letters and abstract flowers - and then added a light wash of color to "color block" how the finished pieces would look. I mostly kept the colors inside the ink outlines, but chose strategic areas to let the water and paint blend into the white paper background a bit.

Next, I darkened the non-floral parts of the letters with blue and violet paint. I then splattered pink and yellow across each painting.

Finally, I added more pink, yellow, blue, and green to the floral parts of the letters, as well as further darkened the blue-violet areas.

I was working on letters Q-V at the same time. Here are all six of these letters, finished but not quite dry yet, still taped down.

And here are the letters U and V - finished, dried, untaped, and signed.

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