Thursday, June 16, 2016

Snapdragon Acrylic Painting

Yesterday's post showed the step-by-step pictures of creating my penultimate acrylic painting in my recent "Cloud Atlas Sextet" series; today, I will finish with the step-by-step pictures of the final painting.

Each is 8x10" in size and they are now all up on my Etsy page, available for purchase!

This painting is "Truths & Mistruths," which features abstract snapdragons (or foxglove? Something like that). As with the rest of this series, I used Liquitex Pro acrylic paint on Strathmore acrylic paper.

(Once again, I don't know why my phone camera captured little yellowish shadow lines for some of these pictures. I suspect it is because of the flickering fluorescent lighting I have in my studio room in the basement, but I don't know how to fix it so that my camera doesn't have this issue.)

This painting is for sale on Etsy here.

I started with a yellow-orange layer:

Then I added blue acrylic paint for the midtones:

Next, I added a bit of purple into the background, following the pencil tracing of the pattern I decided to include:

Finally, I filled in the background with a near-black (with just a hint of red/purple):

Here is the finished painting:

This painting is for sale on Etsy here.

Tomorrow's blog post will go into my detail about the inspirations for the names of these paintings, and how they relate to David Mitchell's novel "Cloud Atlas" (one of my favorite books).

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