Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"Card Sharks" 5x7 Watercolor Paintings

I recently finished three 5x7 paintings for a new framed watercolor set. The first painting was all black, the middle painting black and red, and the final painting red. I named the set "Card Sharks" since it reminded me of the suits of a standard card deck - both in the design of the patterns, and in the colors.

First, as always, I traced the patterns onto watercolor paper, and then taped them down to my surface so they would stay flat while I painted.

Then I painted the black watercolor, using my Ivory Black watercolor pigment.

Next, I moved on to the fun middle painting, which involved blending black and red paint using a wet on wet technique.

Finally, I did the last painting, which was all red.

Here is the finished trio:

I will have another blog post soon with pictures of these watercolors as a complete framed set, available for purchase here on Etsy.

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