Wednesday, December 11, 2019

"Fame" Colored Pencil Drawing

This 8"x10" colored pencil drawing on red paper is a continuation of my flower attributes series, where I draw a flower and give the drawing the title of the flower's symbolism. This one is of trumpet flowers, and is called "Fame."

I started with a light sketch of the flowers to stake out where I wanted them to sit on the page.

Then I started working on the leaves. Often I do these drawings the other way around (flowers, then foliage), but because these flowers are red on red paper, I thought it would be easier to do the high-contrast greenery first, so I knew exactly how light or dark to make my flowers in comparison.

I went around the trumpet flowers and, using a few different green colored pencils, gave the background leaves some depth and dimension.

Once the leaves were finished, I started adding depth and dimension and detail to the flowers. I used white and yellow pencils for highlights, black and dark purple for shadows, and pink and red pencils to blend them all together. The red colored pencil I used was almost exactly the same color as the red paper.

Here is the finished drawing:

I love how the red flowers look against the green leaves against the red paper! Red and green are complements on the color wheel, so they always work together.

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