Saturday, December 5, 2015

Childhood Journal Excerpts - Ages 6-7

As I mentioned yesterday, I've kept journals for years, and have recently gone through and started typing some of the more interesting entries into a Word document, so that I have the content saved elsewhere (just in case anything should happen to my journals themselves). I don't have everything typed up yet, but I do have most of my childhood/adolescence.

For the next couple of posts, I'm going to share a sampling of some of the words I've written throughout the years. (The spelling has been corrected - otherwise you'd never know what I was trying to say!)

Below are (selected) entries from ages 6 & 7. (Many were written for school assignments, so I didn't always pick the topic.)

01/05/95 (age 6)

I love my family. I am happy today. I am watching Dance Workout with Barbie. I played with Barbies. They had a wedding.

On the 31st, Lion King, a Disney classic movie will come out on tape. I saw Lion King in the movie theater. I really like the part where Pumbaa almost said “fart.”

Today is Easter! I love today! God has risen! Hallelujah! 

I have a new computer! It’s just for me and my brother! It has cool stuff on it! It is really neat!

My best friend always plays with me. She never says no!

01/08/96 (age 7)
On Saturday I went to the hospital, not because I was hurt or sick, because, you see, my grandpa is there. He has kidney problems. Well while I was there the nurse gave me two chocolate ice creams! We watched TV there too. I got what I wanted for Christmas. I got My Size Barbie. Hooray!

[Side note - my grandpa died soon after this, but I didn't mention it in my journal until much later.]

My favorite planet is Pluto. I don’t know why. I just do. Oh, now I remember. I like Pluto because it’s not always the last planet. Sometimes it’s in Neptune’s orbit. Pluto has one moon, named Charon.

Mother’s day is on the 12th. My mother is special in these ten ways: 1. My mom cooks dinner and never complains. 2. She gives me two Twinkies and Reese’s Peanut Butter cups (3 big ones) in my lunches. 3. She drives us anywhere we want (like mini golfing or McDonalds). 4. She lets me sleep with Cocoa and Cocoa Jr. [my stuffed bears]. 5. She lets my brother and me watch TV during breakfast and dinner. 6. She helps with problems and helps solve them. 7. She says I only have to take two showers a week (I don’t like showers). 8. She gives me cookies after school! 9. She lets me eat chocolates every day 10. She lets me have Oreos any time I ask!

[I think I was hungry when I wrote that...]

Things I know about Michigan:
1. I live in Michigan. 2. Michigan is shaped like a mitten. 3. Michigan is not a state that is like Florida. 4. It has three sides that are by water. And finally, 5. Michigan is on top of Ohio.

On Memorial weekend I went to my grandma’s house. On Memorial Day my family and I went to the cemetery to see my grandpa’s grave. He died in January. It’s sad he died. He was in World War 2. He didn’t die of war, though. Once he quit he got cancer three years later. He got rid of it, got it back 15 years later, and died of cancer and kidney failure.

What do you want to be when you grow up? This is what I want. I want to be a… well, I want to either be an eye doctor (‘cuz my dad’s almost blind in one eye), artist, cartoonist, or an art teacher, oh, and a teacher. See, I don’t know which one, but, you see, I know it’s going to be one of them. But, I don’t know which one! If I’m going to be a teacher, well, I don’t know which grade I’d teach. Maybe I’ll just be a mom.

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