Monday, October 24, 2016

"30 Days" - Rose #11

Rose #11 has a few water droplets (though not as many as roses #4 or #10), so I started by marking those with a light colored pencil.

Then I started coloring in the rose petals. Rose #11 is a bit darker/oranger/pinker than rose #10, but I used many of the same techniques.

Once I had a base layer of pink/orange down, I added some yellow-orange on top. Then I decided that was too yellow, so I blended a medium-dark pink back on top.

At this point, the rose was looking too dark. I only wanted it a little darker than rose #10, but I didn't want it to be as dark or red/pink as the roses on the top row. So I added some highlights in to brighten it up.

Then I started adding the dimension to the water droplets. I colored the centers of the larger droplets in with darker pinks so that they would look transparent to the petals below. Then I played up the highlights around the edges of the dewdrops with a light colored pencil. Finally, I added some shadow for where the droplet would sit on the petal, outlining a small arc of the droplet in a thin line of darker red.

Here is the finished rose #11 (minus the green background, which I added in for roses #10-12 after all three of them were completed). Rose #11 is the fifth from the left in row #2 - which means row #2 is almost done!

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