Sunday, October 2, 2016

"30 Days" - Rose #2

Here are the photos I took of the process of drawing the second rose in my 30-rose 22"x30" drawing. As with most of my colored pencil work, these are done with Prismacolor brand pencils.

I drew the second rose right next to the first. It is considerably darker/more red than the first rose, but I created it using the same basic step-by-step process.

1. Using red, I drew in what would be the lightest parts of the rose:

2. I added in shadows with darker reds and blue:

3. Finally, I added some details (including some slight highlights to the edges of the petals), and a background. The surroundings for this red rose are also darker than the previous rose, featuring red, blue, and dark green leaves in a more abstracted sort of style:

Tomorrow I will post pictures of rose #3!

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