Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"Find a Proverbial Mountain" - 12x12 Acrylic Painting In Progress (II)

Yesterday I promised more photos of my not-yet-finished 12"x12" acrylic painting, "Find a Proverbial Mountain." I've been going around counter-clockwise, adding dimension and detail to the black eyed susans.

Here is the painting with the top half worked on, and the bottom half still in that preliminary "gestural" stage:

Once those first two "quadrants" were finished, I kept going around, working next on the bottom left corner:

Finally, I got to the final corner, so that all of the painting was similar in dimensionality, color, and shade.

Then I started going back through the whole painting at once, adding in details like harder edges and oranger shadows to the flowers along the upper right/lower left diagonal (since these were the flowers I wanted to focus on in the composition). I also added thin white and black/brown stripes in the background (as I had already started to do in that top right corner).

That's as far as I am on the painting now. It's starting to come together!

Next, the plan is to add some pattern into the painting. I originally made this composition in Photoshop as a digital design (imagining that it might make a nice design for 12"x12" scrapbook paper), and that original design has a white and black loopy pattern that intertwines with the black eyed susans, weaving in and out of foreground/background with the petals. I don't know how much of that I will end up adding to the painting (it'll probably depend on how easy it is to get crisp lines on the canvas), but I do want to add some of that pattern in so that it's not just a field of black eyed susans, but something a bit more complex/abstract. We'll see how it goes!

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