Saturday, December 10, 2016

"30 Days" - Rose #24

The final rose in row #4 - rose #24!

I started with a light tan pencil, and then started layering blues and purples on top - especially in the "shadowy" parts of the petals, where I wanted the most blue/purple to be.

I then added yellow-orange to the outside edges of the petals - for contrast against the blue/purple shadows, and because I wanted this rose to have a bit of yellowing/browning along its edges for symbolic reasons.

I added a bit of magenta into the blue/purple areas to make it look more realistic (there aren't too many blue roses in nature - just blue shadows on not-blue roses).

To finish the rose, I added some light peach in for highlights. I also blended this light color into the rest to "neutralize" the saturated blue/purple/magenta a bit.

I never added in a green background to roses #17 or #18 (the two roses directly above roses #23 & #24 in my 6-by-5 grid), so I next worked on the background of these four roses together. I built up layers of leaves, brown vines, and grass, blending the colors into the other background colors of these four roses, as well as other roses they were touching.

So here is the entire colored pencil drawing so far:

I've finished 24 roses, four rows of six roses each. There are a few spots I will add into later (specifically, the green backgrounds for the three roses on the left of row #4), but otherwise these four rows are complete! Just six more roses - one more row - to go!

(Side note: Writing these blog posts has really driven home the point that "rows" and "rose" are just too damn similar. I keep typing one of those words when I meant to type the other!) 

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