Thursday, December 22, 2016

"30 Days" - Rose #27

Only four roses left in my 22"x30" black paper colored pencil drawing titled "30 Days." Here is the fourth-to-last rose, number 27.

I first drew the outline in graphite pencil, then a lightly sketched in base color.

I then started slowly building up layers of color (medium peach, a light orange-peach, cream, and darker pinks), making sure to apply the most pressure and use the lightest colored pencils for the highlights and applying less pressure and/or using darker colors for the shadows. (When you're working on black paper, the less pressure you use the more the black paper still shows through, keeping the color darker looking. It's counter-intuitive to "normal" sketching, using white colored paper.)

Once I was satisfied with the overall colors, I added in some details. In this case, this was some more defined lines on the petals.

I also added in some greenery to the background of the previous rose (rose #26).

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